Hello! Is there anybody out there? Where do the days go, My friends!? I can tell you one thing: It is a quick run!! I have been very busy these last YEARS, but, to be truthful, finding the zip to attend to my e world has just not made the list. I truly resist things that I do not like…Life has been one heck of an adventure since I last caught up with all of you. Let’s see, where did I leave off?…
I DID, indeed make it to Folk Alliance International in 2017!
Setting off from the Calgary International airport, I had not been to America since 2014, had never attended a music industry conference, was not sure of myself at all anymore (story for another day), and was just starting to get what would be super crazy high from the prednisone I was taking from the car crash repercussions. I guess I seemed like a bit of a twit, because the US Customs Officer stopped me mid sentence, as I rummaged to get all my papers in order to show him, and told me to ,”Just go!”. I DO tend to talk too much and too fast if I am at all excited…
The world of Folk Alliance and Kansas City was astonishing! For a number of reasons, I had not been travelling much in my time prior to this. The adventure of another country, different landscapes, architecture, peoples (It was an international conference), and just being part of such a huge community of music love, was a lot to process. I knew that just going to The US for a few days to attend the gathering would not be long enough, so I arranged to fly home from Nashville two weeks later. I had NOTHING else booked except Folk Alliance, which was 4 days long. Fortunately, as nuts as it was, I was tripping on prednisone. I had no inhibitions and did not need to sleep. These are probably the two most valuable assets a person could have at the conference…or while travelling in America as an independent singer/songwriter. I don’t know if everyone gets as manic as I did, but I was fearless. The Alberta Room is one of the numerous performance presentation spaces at the FAI, and where I was sponsored by The Bow Valley Music Club to perform.
There were shows happening starting at 11am until 4am the next day, each night. As well, there was a trade show/market, meetings, panels, seminars and meet & greets all happening simultaneously. Performance wise, the best time I had was when I decided to have a few drinks one night (tons o booze everywhere…for free!), and I stumbled into the vast back stairwell that attached all the floors. Some folks were playing instruments and I just started to do vocal dances over their playing as I descended the stairs. I was pretty pied, but it was quite magical. Nobody important heard us, but it was my best performance of the conference. Another funny thing happened. The first night there was an awards ceremony, and Kris Kristofferson was being honoured. I was not sure where to go, so I stood beside the entrance door to the hall where the awards were being presented. People were streaming in past me, and I winked at an older gentleman as he was sort of ushered by. He winked back, as if to say, ” Ya, I am not really sure where to go either, and this all seems a bit silly, but I am going in here…”. It was Kris. Yep. That’s me…winking at celebrities…
Anyway Gang, I have YEARS of catching up to do. It is gonna take a while to get all this e stuff linked up properly. It is gonna take a while to tell all the stories…there are many! Since I am stuck at home now, I just may get ‘er done!
In the meantime, please tune into Facebook for my livestream on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 7 pm Alberta time. The Show, I Love Ruthie, can be found LIVE on my wall or on my pages later. I get the show on other platforms soon as well, I hope!!